viernes, 22 de junio de 2018

¡Adicci贸n a las Mu帽ecas La Venganza de mi Novia!

¿¡¡¡"Haber coleccionistas de figuras les a gustado esta peque帽a an茅cdota les gustar铆a siguiera esta saga de caps"!!!??

3 comentarios:

  1. Is it possible to see this in English, my Spanish translator doesn't work well on captions

    1. hi boy, i am sorry, now is traductor

      god that you have made me jimena

      That's what you spend just thinking about your naked dolls

      but I can not move, I have breasts but I am a doll

      lus was an amateur to collect anime figures, since they are the ones that look better, especially for being of his favorite animes of Japan, He also loved how perverted they looked with those titsthat although of pvc but they excited him.

      his girlfriend jimena angry about the situation for his addiction to dolls with tits, was with a gypsy vudu to help her give her a lesson, I thought that an idea like Chuky's would be fine, when receiving the spell, in the night jimena conjured the spell by touching Luis and the doll with both hands while he slept, It was when the rumblings began,Luis woke up disturbed by the disturbance only without being able to move thanks to the spell that controlled him,he felt like his soul was detaching itself from his body by addressing the lifeless doll, suddenly I saw Jimena and her body in front of him, unable to move because the spell was over and now Luis was inside the wrist, imena told him that little by little he would learn to control his powers and that if he behaved well he would let him move, poor luis those are the repercussions that has to be a boy addicted to the anime, Now Luis will pay for his punishment by being one of the pvc dolls with big tits that both excite him.


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